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    Traits And Qualities Of A Good Plumber - H2 Property Services London

    Winter Central Heating Checklist

    Posted on 29th November 2021 by H2 Property Services

    It’s more important than ever to check your boiler. The risk of a fault rises dramatically in the winter months, and calling out an engineer can cost you your valuable Christmas money. Plus, with gas prices rising once again, finding a fault in your boiler could leave you seriously out of pocket.

    Checking and maintaining your boiler at the start of winter is the best way to ensure you aren’t left out in the cold. Follow our winter heating tips in this guide to keep your home warm this Christmas.

    If you need a boiler engineer, call our team on 02077513344 – we cover across London!

    Why have gas prices been rising?

    Before we turn to how to keep your central heating functional, we need to speak about why it’s so important. This year, heating costs are set to rise once again, and a faulty boiler running inefficiently can rack you up a significant energy bill.

    The global gas crisis is driving the market to new highs. From next April, the typical price of a default dual-fuel energy bill could rise by as much as £294.

    If a fault occurs that needs professional intervention, you’ll need to pay even more to get it fixed. Plus, with the winter months being peak times for engineer callouts, you could be left out in the cold.

    Check your boiler to avoid these issues. Here is a checklist for your central heating this winter:

    Test your boiler

    The first thing you should do is turn your central heating on and check your radiators to see if they heat up correctly. This first step will immediately alert you to any faults. If your radiators do heat up as expected, there are still some steps you should take to avoid any problems occurring over the next few months.

    Check for leaks

    Manually check the boiler for any holes or leaks. If you haven’t got one already, it’s critical that you install a carbon monoxide alarm near your boiler. This will alert you to any carbon monoxide leaks that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to smell or taste.

    Check the boiler pressure

    Your boiler may run inefficiently if it loses pressure. A quick check of the boiler pressure gauge is a great way to check the pressure of your boiler. Keep track of the pressure gauge when you have the chance. If the pressure exceeds 2.5 bar, you should contact an engineer.

    Bleed the radiators

    Radiator bleed is vital for ensuring your central heating functions effectively. Radiators that are cold nearer to the bottom may indicate trapped air or a buildup of sludge, both of which can hamper your central heating.

    Check your timer/thermostat

    The timer and thermostat are two important parts of a heating system. The thermostat might not be in the boiler itself but it should still be checked for any problems. An issue with either the timer or the thermostat can prevent your home from warming correctly.

    Check the flue

    The flue pipe expels waste gases from your boiler. A problem with the flue may create a blockage that could cause your boiler to malfunction.

    Seek a professional engineer for a service

    While many of these checks can be done yourself, a professional engineer will be able to carry out even more checks, in more detail and can do so safely. They will identify any issues with your boiler and recommend the most cost-effective methods to fix them.

    Don’t be concerned about the cost of calling out an engineer. A boiler service will ensure your boiler doesn’t suffer a fault further down the line, which you’d inevitably have to pay more to get fixed and could leave you in the freezing cold for many days while you try to find an engineer during peak times.

    H2 Property Services is London’s one-stop-shop for all your home maintenance services. In addition to our plumbing and electrician services, we also have a range of boiler services carried out by Gas Safe engineers.

    Whether you need boiler servicing, boiler replacement or emergency boiler repairs, the team at H2 Property services can help. We offer the highest standards of service at competitive prices to ensure that your home is warm for the winter.

    Contact our team today to find out more, call us on 02075513344!


