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    Boilers London with H2 Property Services

    6 Common Plumbing Emergencies and How to Avoid Them

    Posted on 4th May 2018 by H2 Property Services

    A plumbing emergency can strike at any time and can be the culmination of a small fault over time or the sudden failure of a single component.

    Whatever has caused your plumbing issue, there’s only one course of action and that is to phone a reputable emergency plumber. No one plans for an emergency, but should the unthinkable happen you should entrust your home to a professional.

    Appliance Installation

    So, make sure to store an emergency plumber’s number in your phone at all times just in case. Here are the 6 most common plumbing emergencies and how to avoid them.

    1. Burst Pipes
    2. Frozen Pipes
    3. Blocked Drains and Toilets
    4. No Hot Water
    5. Leaking Washing Machines
    6. Gas Leaks


    1. Burst Pipes

    When you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a burst pipe, there is little you could have done to avoid such a situation. What you need to do is stem the flow of water from the pipe by finding the shut off valve. It could be located outside, a utility room or under the kitchen sink. Then, run the cold taps to allow any remaining water to escape into sinks and baths.

    One way to avoid burst pipes is to ensure you use your heating and hot water system frequently during cold weather.


    2. Frozen Pipes

    In the coldest conditions of winter, disused pipes are prone to freeze. This can cause all sorts of problems, from high pressure to burst pipes, and is a serious plumbing problem. To best way to avoid this is to set your heating to run at regular intervals during the winter.

    Even if you are not using your property, the heating should periodically run for some time to guarantee the pipes are in good working order come spring. This is also true of holiday homes, where heating systems often fail because of disuse.


    3. Blocked Drains and Toilets

    Depending on the blockage in the drain, you may require professional help to clear your drain or toilet. It is of utmost importance to shut off the water supply to stop any further overflow which might lead to flooding of the home. Unclogging with a plunger or a plumber’s snake can work but if this is ineffective, call the professionals.


    4. No Hot Water

    There are several possible explanations for no hot water in your home. An old boiler may have reached the end of its usable life – in which case a new boiler will require installation – or it could be an easily fixed electrical problem. Check for leaks and blown or tripped fuses. Tripped fuses are easily reset and if you find a leak or blown fuse, this could be useful information for the boiler engineer.


    5. Leaking Washing Machines

    Washing machines are designed to stand the test of time and do their job well thousands of times over. However, they are among the most frequently used appliances in the house and so should be expected to have issues on occasion. This can be a huge inconvenience, not to mention the opportunity for rust, rot and mould to set in.


    6. Gas Leaks

    A gas leak is a very serious problem. You should install a carbon monoxide detector in your home – this is a simple little device that changes colour when carbon monoxide levels in the air increase. If you can smell gas, firstly check any gas appliances, such as a gas ring on a stove.

    If this is the case, turn the gas ring off and open a window to allow the gas to dissipate. If you do not have gas appliances other than your boiler, it is time to call the emergency engineer and evacuate your home until the engineer arrives.



    Plumbers across London

    H2 Property Services is a friendly, local plumbing, electrical and gas specialist serving all the major London boroughs. Our team is made up of local engineers who know their patch well and are a common sight in Battersea & Clapham, Chiswick & Acton, Richmond & Twickenham, Notting Hill & Paddington, among others.

    If you find yourself without hot water, an overflowing toilet or gas problems, do not hesitate to call. We offer a comprehensive service including emergency call outs.


    Which? Trusted Trader

    H2 Property Services are proud to be a Which? Trusted Trader for our Plumbing, Electrical, Gas and Heating services across London, see our Which? reviews here.

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